What are the best fields of freelancing? The comprehensive guide to online services

What are the best fields of freelancing? The comprehensive guide to online services

What are the best fields of freelancing? The comprehensive guide to online servicesWhat are the best fields of freelancing?

Before I discussed the areas of freelancing, I talked in the previous two articles about what freelancing is, its importance and advantages, in addition to the steps and advice that beginners must follow to start freelancing from scratch and without previous experience.

There is a belief that freelancing only means working on the Internet, but in reality, freelancing includes larger and broader fields, and working on the Internet is part of it. Self-employment is any work that a person can do for himself, where they do specific work during a short or specific period in exchange for a specific wage. In this case, a doctor, a lawyer, and others who work independently can all work as freelancers.

The focus is usually on freelancing online because it is the new and advanced method of freelancing, as it has become dependent on new tools for work such as design and programming skills, and it also depends on a new method or channel for providing the service.

Many people tend to start freelancing, but they are confused about what field they can specialize in, especially if they do not possess any skill that qualifies them for freelancing immediately. Therefore, below I will discuss the areas of freelancing that any person can specialize in, according to his interests and skills, to start working.

I will focus in particular on freelancing on the Internet, which is the style that I am trying to spread and which I believe is suitable for anyone to start working in, as he does not need previous experience or even academic certificates that qualify him to start work.

table of contents

     1- Programming

         1.1 Web Applications Development

         1.2 Mobile Applications Development

     2- Design

         2.1 Graphic Design

         2.2 Architecture Design

         2.3 Product Design

     3- Montage

     4- Digital Products Creation

     5- Administrative, financial and legal services

     6- Distance Learning

     7- E-Marketing

         – Marketing using social media marketing

         – Affiliate Marketing

         – Marketing through search engine optimization (SEO Marketing).

         – Marketing using Online Ads Marketing

         - Data Analysis

         - Content Creation

     8- Data Entry

     9- Translation

     10- Content Creation

     11- Photography

1- Programming

In the beginning, it is very important that you specialize in one field, so I will work on detailing each field with all the specializations available now, to give a better overview of the nature of work in each field. There are many areas of freelancing, and one of them must interest you and motivate you to work now.

It is one of the most widespread fields of self-employment, characterized by broad prospects, and is considered one of the most promising professions in the coming years. Of course, programming is considered a wide sea from which a number of specializations branch out, and developers mainly work within two basic fields: web application development - mobile application development.

1.1 Web Applications Development

It is also divided into two main branches:

- Front-end development (user interface development) Frontend Development: The developer here focuses only on the front-end of these applications, that is, the aspect that the user sees and interacts with, such as icons, forms, fonts, the way options are displayed, and so on. The most famous programming languages used in this field are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Backend Development: Here the developer focuses on the basic structure of the web application, in addition to the databases necessary to use this application. The most famous programming languages used in this field are PHP, Python, Ruby, and Net.

1.2 Mobile Applications Development

Smartphones have become essential in our daily lives, and the use of mobile applications has also become very widespread, as people use them for their projects or ideas, companies, organizations and even amateur developers who seek to sell their applications that represent a specific idea or tool. The most famous programming languages used in this field are HTML5, Java, and CSS.

2- Design

Design services are among the most in-demand services on the Internet and one of the most creative fields of freelance work, as they are considered a necessary service whether for marketing, building the identity of a company or project, etc. There are many branches within the field of design, including:

2.1 Graphic Design

This is work that has become widely in demand because of its connection to electronic marketing in particular and social media in general.

There are also many specializations within the field of graphic design, such as: image design, logo design, icon design, and general style design.

2.2 Architecture Design

In this profession, the architect specializes only in the field of design and how the building will look before starting the construction process.2.3 Product Design

It depends mainly on UI/UX design, and this is divided into two components:

- UI design: The term UI is an abbreviation for User Interface, meaning a user interface, and it applies to the interface of a product, service, application, program, etc. This field is concerned with the way all elements in the user interface are displayed.

– User Experience Design (UX): The term UX is an abbreviation for User Experience, that is, the user’s experience when he deals with the specific product, service, application, or program. This field is concerned with ensuring a distinct, simple and comfortable experience for the user.

3- Montage

One of our distinctive areas of freelancing is also editing!

Video is no less popular than photos, as it is used as a way to attract audience attention, especially on social media. Editing involves working on both video and audio together. In addition to the emergence of a very attractive type in this field, which is Motion Graphic, which means presenting, for example, infographics or other drawings using video or animation.

4- Digital Products Creation

If you have a certain talent and experience, you can create an electronic product, which could be a book, a smartphone application, a specific program or template, to sell it on the Internet. This type of work is characterized by the fact that you will make a lot of profits without putting in the effort every time. You will do the work only once and sell the product an infinite number of times.

5- Administrative, financial and legal services

Various types of business and consultations can be provided within this field, for example, feasibility study services, business plan or model, budget planning, etc. can be provided.

6- Distance Learning

If you have a specific skill or a good language, you can exploit it and start offering lessons remotely. There are many sites that provide this possibility. You can even teach the Arabic language to foreigners interested in learning it on several sites, the most famous of which is Rype.

7- E-Marketing

E-marketing has become an independent branch in its own right and one of the most important fields of freelance work due to the sub-specializations it contains, including:

– Marketing using social media marketing

Social media has become one of the basic matters in marketing, so there must be someone who is primarily concerned with managing these accounts, which could be affiliated with a company or even a person, as he follows up on messages and comments and responds to customers or potential customers. Or a person can support these media with attractive and marketing content as well.

All a person must have are the basic skills in using these sites, knowledge of how they work, and the ability to plan and implement appropriate strategies.

– Affiliate Marketing

The specialist here markets various types of products in exchange for a certain commission that he receives after the sale process ends. Affiliate marketing is divided into two types according to the method of paying the commission:

     Marketing in exchange for a commission paid on each sale Cost Per Sale (CPS)

     Marketing is in exchange for a commission paid upon a specific action. Cost Per Action (CPA). Here, the commission is paid for every click or any other action performed by a person from the target segment.

– Marketing through search engine optimization (SEO Marketing).

The person who works in this field analyses, reviews, and makes the necessary changes to websites so that they are optimized appropriately for search engines. Which leads to increasing the number of visits to the site by improving the ranking of pages within search sites.

– Marketing using Online Ads Marketing

Where advertising campaigns are managed and implemented, a specialized person usually researches, plans and implements online advertising.

- Data Analysis

The data analyst searches, verifies, transforms and models data with the aim of discovering new information that may be useful in arriving at conclusions and results or even assist in the decision-making process.

- Content Creation

Here, marketing content is prepared, such as the content found on social media sites. Within this article, I will talk about content creation and its types in detail.

8- Data Entry

The work is mainly based on entering or updating data within a specific database or within special files. This is often done by relying on a paper source and entering or writing it digitally, or using a scanner or otherwise.

This work does not require a lot of technical experience, but it requires speed in work, which can be gained with time.

9- Translation

It is one of the most distinctive and in-demand services on the Internet now, although it is threatened with extinction due to the development of artificial intelligence. It depends mainly on skill and mastery of two basic languages, and it is one of the services characterized by intense competition among freelancers.

10- Content Creation

Content is considered the basis for all businesses on the Internet, and the content industry specializations are divided into several categories according to the nature of the work carried out by the content creator, the most famous of which are:

Ghost Writer: A writer who writes for another person and under that person’s name. This is a very common type of writing memoirs or autobiographies.

- Technical Writer: He is the writer who has enough intelligence and experience to write about matters from a technical or technical point of view. They are often programmers, engineers, or other technicians.

– Web Content Writer: He is the writer who prepares content specifically for websites.

Copywriter: He is often called a creative copywriter, as he works on writing the advertising aspect for various types of services and products, and focuses on writing exciting and marketing content at the same time.

- Research-based writer: He is the writer to whom you can submit any topic and he can immediately prepare research on that topic and write about it. His writing is always characterized by careful research and depth of ideas because of the great effort it requires.

- Proof Reader: He is the person who reads the work after it is finished and which is often error-free, but he reads it as a second party or as an external reader to express his opinion and may make some amendments on this basis, and of course this person relies on certain rules in Work such as correcting grammatical errors, etc.

Copy Editor / Editor: The editor also reads the work after it is finished, but in this case it is not a complete work. Rather, it needs some additions, which are in fact creative additions that give the text a distinctive and attractive character. He can rewrite entire parts of the text in addition to checking the language, grammar, etc.

Writer: Here I mean writers in general who write in specializations not mentioned above. They may write stories or literary works, or write books, etc.

11- Photography

In addition to the unlimited horizons that are now open to the photographer, whether working in the field of photography only or even using photography as a skill accompanying design, you can now sell these images on many sites, the most famous of which are Etsy, Shutterstock, and many other sites.

Of course, there are more freelancing services that can be provided online. There are no limits to the types of services or the method of providing them, but I mentioned the most widespread areas of freelancing that suit a large percentage of people, regardless of their specialty.

Are you still hesitant about starting work for reasons related to transferring money to your country that does not support many common payment methods on the Internet? It's okay, start now and wait for my next article then.


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