making money on Amazon .. How to start and the best ways for making money on Amazon

making money on Amazon .. How to start and the best ways for making money on Amazon

       making money on Amazon .. How to start and the best ways for making money on Amazon ... Complete guide (explanation of 6 different methods in 2024)

making money on Amazon .. How to start and the best ways for making money on Amazon ... Complete guide (explanation of 6 different methods in 2024)

Would you like to cooperate with the richest person in the world? Would you like to make money from cooperating with the largest company in the world? If your answer is yes... then you are in the right place.

Many novice marketers or anyone new to the world of making money from the Internet, during their research journey, come across this term “make money from Amazon” and want to know more about it.

Even there are also some marketers who have experience and expertise, yet they do not know much about the different ways to make money from Amazon and the profits they can achieve.

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world. You may think that it is only the largest online store on the planet, but the truth of the matter is that Amazon owns more than 70 different companies and services in the world.

Because this is not our talk today - perhaps later I will tell you about the size of this giant empire that may soon dominate the world - we will be satisfied with knowing the ways that make an ordinary person like you and me cooperate with this giant edifice.

making money on Amazon is the path that many people take to achieve great wealth, and why not, since this empire has made Jeff Bezos the richest person in the world.

As I mentioned previously, there are many ways to make money from Amazon. In this guide, you will find all possible methods that suit anyone in the world.

You will also find in this guide a lot of technical information about each method, how to start with it, some caveats that you should pay attention to, and all the tools you will need for each method.

4 things you should know before starting making money from Amazon

Before you start any way to make money from Amazon, there are some important things that you need to keep in mind first, which will save you a lot of trouble in the near future.

1. Amazon's strict rules

Amazon is a giant company, as you know, and in order to maintain its reputation, status, and the quality of the services it provides, it has established strict laws that anyone who cooperates with it must adhere to.

For example, look at the laws of the Amazon Affiliate Program - which we will talk about later - which stipulate not to use social media or email directly.

Meaning, you cannot promote Amazon products through your affiliate link directly by placing them on social media pages, or sending them in emails to your followers, but you can place these links on YouTube or your website pages.

Thus, Amazon ensures that its products are not promoted in a crude or excessive manner (spam), in order to maintain its image in front of consumers.

Therefore, I advise you, whatever method you rely on, to read its terms and services very carefully so that you do not get into any trouble.

2. Receive your earnings from Amazon

Amazon is an American company, and although it allows anyone in the world to be part of its programs and services, receiving your profits from it is not easy.

In order for Amazon to save as much money as possible on fees and currency exchange, it deals only with banks, and not with banking services such as PayPal when transferring money to its collaborators.

Therefore, the best way for you to receive your profits from Amazon as long as you live in the world is to have a Payoneer account because it will save you a lot.

This service provides you with a free American bank account, through which you can receive your money from any company in the world. It also provides you with a credit card to withdraw this money anywhere in your local currency.
You can learn how to register for this service step by step through the following guide:
All about the Payoneer card and an explanation of video recording
There are many videos and explanations for linking your Payoneer account to your Amazon account, and Payoneer itself has even prepared a detailed explanation about paying from Amazon to Payoneer.

3. Tax system

In order to receive your profits from Amazon, regardless of the way you deal (whether you are a seller or a marketer), you must provide some documents, especially related to taxes.
Don't worry, it's simple, you are not an American citizen. All you have to do is fill out some documents to prove that you are not an American citizen, and so that Amazon's expenses are legally included in the IRS.

Therefore, during the registration process and in order to receive your profits from Amazon, you will have to fill out a document called W8 - BEN, in which you will also find its link and all the instructions and personal information that you must provide when registering with Amazon.

It's simple and easy as I told you, it's just routine things to confirm your identity and organize Amazon's earnings process.

Advice... keep this document when you fill out all the data, because you will need it if you cooperate with most American companies, especially if you work in the field of affiliate marketing.

4. Amazon in different markets

I think you know that Amazon acquired the famous Souq store in the first half of 2017 for approximately $580 million, in order to enter the Arab markets.

Not only that, last May, the Souq website in the UAE was transformed into, and the same thing is expected to happen with the Souq website in Egypt soon.

You may be asking yourself why I am telling you all this information...or what does all of this have to do with making a profit from Amazon? The reason is to highlight a very important point.

 Most of the ways to profit from Amazon that you will find in this guide can be applied directly in the Arab markets. For example, the affiliate marketing method that I mentioned to you previously can be applied on the Amazon website in the Emirates, and also on the Egyptian Souq website.

Not only that, there are several ways to profit from Amazon, which I will not mention to you in this guide, because you cannot subscribe to it as it is available in specific countries such as America and Canada.

These methods include shipping products and helping Amazon by providing some services, and because Amazon is entering the Arab market strongly, this means that these methods may become available in the near future.

That is why you must constantly follow Amazon news in the Arab market, and if any new method of profit appears, we will add it to this guide, so that it remains a reference for everyone looking for ways to profit from Amazon.

Now is the time you have been waiting for... Let's get to know all the ways to profit from Amazon, some of which I think will surprise you, especially the fifth method.

1. making money from Amazon through affiliate marketing

making money from Amazon through affiliate marketing
 from Amazon through affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing, for those who do not know it, is one of the best ways to make money online. All you do is recommend some products owned by various companies through your own link.

When anyone buys these products through your unique link, the company that owns the product gives you a commission. This, in short, is the way to profit from affiliate marketing.

You can learn more about affiliate marketing, and its most important examples, through the following article:

Explanation of affiliate marketing (comprehensive guide)

The Amazon Affiliate Program is one of the most famous and best affiliate marketing programs ever, which content creators, website owners, and influencers rely on to earn money from the Internet.

Amazon has almost everything - as we say colloquially, from a needle to a missile - so you can promote many products depending on your field or niche.

If you have a website or a YouTube channel, you can review some of the Amazon products that your audience is interested in, or make comparisons between different products, or even mention one of them as advice to your followers.

For this reason, there are many websites and YouTube channels that rely on this method of profit, so why not be one of them.

If you do not already have a website or channel on YouTube to start earning from this method, I advise you to read the following articles, which will help you a lot.

  • How to create a YouTube channel and set it professionally (explanation with pictures)
  • How to create a website (comprehensive guide)
  • Steps to create a WordPress website (comprehensive explanation)

At this point, I will show you important information about this method of profit from Amazon, as well as some of the advantages that will make you accept this method, and you will also find some disadvantages that you will have to deal with.

1. Applying for this program is very easy, and Amazon provides a great platform through which you can search for various products, get different links to your products, and track the results.

2. In order to be accepted, you must have a website or channel on YouTube with good traffic (channels and sites are evaluated according to views and visits, the minimum is not known, but the more traffic, the better)

That is why I advise you to pay attention to your content first, then start the application process, and if you are rejected, work more on the site or channel, and try to get more traffic... then apply again.

3. The Amazon website is very famous and all people from different countries of the world trust it, which is why the conversion rate is very high, meaning that it is easy to convince people to buy, and this is in contrast to other affiliate marketing programs.

4. Amazon provides a tremendous platform and tools for marketers. It even provides you with a WordPress plugin that you can use on your site to display Amazon products with ease, which increases your profits.

It also provides you with the ability to promote various Amazon sites (such as Amazon Canada, Britain, or even the UAE recently), and thus you can target the audience you want.

5. You do not only get a commission for purchasing the product you are promoting, but also for every purchase made through you. For example, if you promote a camera, and the person buys the camera and any other product, you get a commission for everything he purchases.

6. The commission rate is low (ranging from 3 to 10%, depending on the type of product) compared to other affiliate marketing programs.

7. Amazon is constantly changing the rules and conditions, so you must follow the emails that are sent to you periodically because they are very important.

I think that you are now aware of how to make money from Amazon through affiliate marketing, and you have all the necessary tools and information to start as soon as possible.

2.  making money from Amazon by printing T-shirts

making money from Amazon by printing T-shirts

This is one of the simplest ways to profit from Amazon and it is called (Merch By Amazon), and it depends on printing T-shirts on demand (Print On Demand).

You create different T-shirt designs (for example, T-shirts for a specific event, such as football), and when anyone wants to buy them, Amazon prints the T-shirt and delivers it to the customer.

The price of T-shirts depends on their type, but they are very cheap. They start at $15.99 and can reach $25.99. Amazon gets the largest percentage because it is the one who prints and delivers, and you get a percentage (from 11 to 13%) of the value of the T-shirt.

Therefore, if you are a designer, or you know someone who understands T-shirt designs (it is very simple and you can learn it yourself if you are a beginner), or you can hire a professional designer through freelance platforms, this method is very profitable.

There are many companies and services that you can join in order to profit from designing T-shirts, but you have to promote your designs in order to get sales.

As for Amazon, it is a large market that millions of people enter daily, and all you have to do is have good designs that people like, and describe them accurately (you will learn this yourself when you are accepted into this service from Amazon) so that you can start making money.

Amazon printing software features

1. You must apply in order to be accepted. All you have to do is enter a name, location, and some information about your experience and designs.

2. The review of acceptance of applications does not have a specific time.

3. In order to be accepted, you must show that you have experience and passion in this field. The site you are applying for must be related to design.

You can use your profile on a design site such as Redbubble (a site that sells printed T-shirts where you can try and learn the same method), or Behance (a site for design experts in the world).

In the additional information section, you must choose your words very carefully, show your experience, and how you carry out the design process so that those who review the applications are convinced of you... Imagine that you are in a personal interview for a job.

4. When you are accepted, you cannot submit more than 10 designs, and after you make 10 sales, the limit is increased to 25, and the more your sales increase, the more designs Amazon will allow you... This system is called Tiers.

5. You must research and scrutinize to know all the conditions for good designs that Amazon provides to you when you register, and also search for the best-selling designs on Amazon in order to be inspired by successful designs.

This method of profit from Amazon is very good, because the effort required for it is focused on finding good designs, and after achieving success, you can build your own store using different platforms such as Shopify or Woocommerce in order to achieve higher profits.

In this case, you can rely on paid traffic and build your own brand, as many professionals in this field have done.

3. making money from Amazon through e-books

making money from Amazon through e-books

Many people love to read books continuously, and because of the technological age we currently live in, you can read many books on your phone or computer at the lowest possible price, and you can even listen to them (audio books) if you do not have time.

Because Amazon started as a store that sold and printed books, Amazon Kindle is one of the oldest and best ways to make money from Amazon if you love writing.

By the way, you can hire anyone to write a book for you if you are good at marketing, and this is what many who rely on this method do.

You can apply to the Kindle Direct Publishing service, where your books are reviewed, and the electronic and print versions are provided upon your request. All you have to do is read the terms and instructions.

The review process itself does not have a specific time, and you can publish books in any field or even in any language, and there are many Arabic books, by the way.

This method is very effective if you have some followers through a website, a social media account, or even a YouTube channel in order to promote your books and get initial sales.

The advantage of this method is that the more sales and ratings you have for your books, the more your book will rank high in search results for the topic it talks about, and thus you will get more sales.

That's why I advise you to start and try this method yourself, as it is very profitable and low-risk.

4. making money from Amazon by selling products

4. making money from Amazon by selling products

This method is the most difficult to profit from Amazon, because it requires a lot of experience and capital to be able to test and experiment, and despite that, it is a very profitable method and has made many millionaires.

Amazon's website is a very large online mall. In the mall, anyone can open a simple store and start selling their products, taking advantage of the large number of people who visit this mall every day, on the condition that an agreement is concluded with the mall's management.

This is a simple example of an Amazon store, as it consists of many sellers and owners of different products and brands, who sell their products on Amazon FBA.

Most of these sellers import products from China after packaging them and preparing them in a specific way, then sending them to Amazon warehouses, which handles the shipping task on your behalf.

Of course, there are international brands that depend on Amazon. There are factory owners and companies everywhere in the world who only exploit traffic from Amazon to obtain sales. Not all sellers depend on importing products from China.

This method is not for beginners, and requires a relatively large capital, because you have to search for products in order to choose a new and suitable product so that you can overcome the fierce competition on Amazon.

Then you need to communicate with suppliers and factory owners in China (through many sites, the most famous of which is and ask them for trial samples.

Then you test these products on Amazon or through paid traffic to know people's reactions, then order specific quantities of this product and send them to Amazon.

Then you photograph the product or make videos and put the description and features of the product (everything you see on any product page on Amazon) so that you can compete properly.

Therefore, if you are an expert in marketing, or you have at least $1000 that you can risk to learn, and you may lose it in several months and not gain anything, I advise you to try.

There are many Arab experts in this field on YouTube who you can learn from or contact for help.

 Advantages and disadvantages of profiting from Amazon by selling products

Selling products on Amazon can be a lucrative venture, but like any business model, it comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here are some key points to consider:


1. Global Reach:
   - Amazon provides a platform with a massive global audience. This can significantly expand your market reach beyond what you might achieve with a standalone online store.

2. Infrastructure and Logistics:
   - Amazon takes care of the logistics, including order fulfillment, shipping, and customer service through programs like Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). This can save you time and resources.

3. Trust and Credibility:
   - Many consumers trust and prefer buying from Amazon due to its reputation for reliability and customer service. Being associated with the Amazon brand can lend credibility to your products.

4. Marketing Opportunities:
   - Amazon offers various advertising and promotion options to help sellers increase visibility and sales. You can leverage these tools to market your products more effectively.

5. Customer Base:
   - Amazon already has a massive customer base actively searching for products. This can result in increased discoverability and potential sales for your products.

6. Payment Processing:
   - Amazon handles payment processing, which simplifies transactions for both sellers and customers. This can be advantageous for new or small businesses.


1. Competition:
   - The popularity of Amazon attracts a high level of competition. Standing out among the vast number of sellers can be challenging, especially in saturated markets.

2. Fees and Costs:
   - Selling on Amazon comes with fees, including listing fees, referral fees, and fulfillment fees if you use FBA. These costs can impact your profit margins.

3. Limited Brand Control:
   - When selling on Amazon, you operate within their ecosystem, limiting your control over branding and the customer experience. Your product pages must adhere to Amazon's guidelines.

4. Dependency:
   - Relying solely on Amazon for sales means you're dependent on their policies and algorithms. Changes in these can affect your business, and your account may be subject to suspension.

5. Restricted Customer Data:
   - Amazon controls customer data, limiting your access to information about your customers. Building a direct relationship with your customers becomes challenging.

6. Risk of Suspension:
   - Amazon has strict policies, and violating them can lead to the suspension of your account. This risk is heightened by customer complaints or policy changes.

7. Difficulty in Building a Brand:
   - Amazon is a marketplace where customers often prioritize products over brands. Building a brand presence and customer loyalty can be more challenging compared to a standalone store.

Before diving into selling on Amazon, carefully consider these factors and conduct thorough research to ensure it aligns with your business goals and preferences. Many successful businesses use a combination of Amazon and other sales channels to diversify their reach and mitigate some of the disadvantages.

5. making money from Amazon through freelancing

 making money from Amazon through freelancing

This is one of the smartest ways to profit from Amazon at all, which not many people know about... If you look carefully at all the previous methods, you will find that they require work or a specific skill.

Let me give you some examples:

  •      Professionally designed T-shirts.
  •      Writing articles to review some products on Amazon or for professional comparisons.
  •      Designing websites for profit from Amazon.
  •      Search for keywords to rank at the top of search results, whether within Amazon, or for sites that profit from affiliate marketing.
  •      Writing e-books professionally.
  •      Professional writing to describe products and their features for publication on Amazon.
  •      Design promotional videos for Amazon products.
  •      Research various products to find out the best opportunities to sell new products.
  •      Professionally photograph products to display on Amazon.
  •      Design logos and artwork for vendors to use in packaging their products.

Therefore, if you have one of these skills, you can take advantage of various freelance sites, offer these services, and allocate them only to Amazon.

If you go to one of these sites (such as Fiverr or Upwork) and type Amazon in the search, many services will appear in front of you that you can imitate (and by the way, this proves the effectiveness of this method of profit from Amazon and the volume of demand for it).

Read also:

  •      What is Fiverr, how does it work, and why is it a treasure for everyone?
  •      How to register on the Fiverr website for buyers and sellers and an explanation of creating a Gig
  •      Explanation of the Fiverr website (explanation of the control panel and steps for buying and selling)
  •      How to profit from Fiverr (a comprehensive guide)

And there's another thing I want to show you, if you're kind of an expert in Amazon, or you want to really get access to the Amazon platform, you should use the Jungle scout platform.

This platform offers many tools to facilitate the work of professional sellers and affiliate marketers who rely on Amazon, because it provides them with a lot of information, research tools, and the sales volume of various products.

At the beginning of this year, this platform launched a freelance site for Amazon only, so I advise you to take a look at it to know the skills required and also the size of the profits.

If you are an expert in your field, or after achieving some successes on various freelance sites, you can apply to work on this platform, especially since it offers excellent prices unlike many other sites.

6. making money from Amazon through investment

making money from Amazon through investment

This is the last way to profit from Amazon in this guide, which is to invest money in buying stocks. You can do this from anywhere in the world.

Amazon's stock price is largely fixed, and increases over time, so if you have some money that you can use instead of saving in a traditional way, you can invest in Amazon.

Of course, it requires some knowledge to determine the best times to buy and when to sell, or perhaps you buy a certain number of shares and keep them for a year or two and then sell.

You should know that Amazon's stock price is high (approximately $2000), due to the company's strength, high profitability, and reputation in the market, which led to investors flocking to it.

Read also: Ways to invest money online (a comprehensive guide)

There are many people who want to make money from the Internet, and making money from Amazon, that giant entity, is one of the best ways anyone can start.

Do not waste time, because every second you delay, the competition increases and the rules change, so choose one of the previous methods based on your skill and start immediately.

Please share with us in the comments, which method do you think is right for you? The most common method will be mentioned in the comments. We will make a complete guide about it.

We will provide practical examples and more information. I did not want to put all the information in this guide so that it would not be longer than this, so I would like you to share your goals with us in the comments.

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