Making Money at Home from YouTube 15 smart strategies for creating YouTube videos in 2024

Making Money at Home from YouTube 15 smart strategies for creating YouTube videos in 2024

Making Money at Home from YouTube 15 smart strategies for creating YouTube videos in 2024

  15 smart strategies for creating YouTube videos in 2024

Creating a successful YouTube video is not easy, especially if you are still a beginner and do not have a lot of experience in making successful videos.

But it's not impossible either, as there are some smart strategies for creating YouTube videos, which will help you reach a larger number of viewers, increase your followers, and grow your channel.

In this article, we will talk about 15 smart strategies for creating videos in order to make money from YouTube. What are you waiting for? Grab a cup of coffee and start reading right away.

First strategy: ride the trend

A trend ends and another trend begins, and there are always more, so you should use this to your advantage and make trends bring you thousands of views and new followers. how?

This is easy through keywords, which are, in short, the words that viewers are searching for. By knowing which ones are searched heavily, you will be able to reach a larger number of viewers.

You can know the search volume for keywords through tools such as:

Try as much as possible to provide high-quality content that fits the trend or keywords you target, in order to truly gain a follower and not just one view.

Also, following events and news related to the content of your channel will enable you to know the topics that your audience is interested in at a particular time.
Therefore, you must be a good follower of the field that you are talking about in your blog, and take advantage of any opportunity to create content about anything that gains popularity among the audience at a particular time.

The second strategy: shocking and striking headlines

Just as people judge books by their covers, they also judge videos by their titles and thumbnails.
So make sure you take your time to choose video titles well so that you can attract a lot of views and sales.

For example, instead of writing the title “making money from affiliate marketing” for your video, make it “How I earned $1,000 a month from affiliate marketing.”

That made a big difference, didn't it? But be careful not to mislead the audience. Use catchy and shocking titles, but do not deceive your audience.

You can trick them and make them open your video, but what then? They will watch the video and be disappointed with it and your channel, and they will not follow you or watch the rest of your videos.

Treat the title as a promise. When you write a title for your video or article, you are giving a promise to the viewer or reader and you must fulfill it.

Third strategy: Make a series of videos on one topic

A very successful strategy for creating YouTube videos is to choose a large topic and divide it into several smaller, interconnected topics.

This will not only help you rank your videos higher and attract many interested viewers, but it will also make it easier for you to prepare your video content plan.

One of the most famous channels that does this is the Crash Course channel, which at the time of writing this article has achieved more than 1.7 billion views and has 13.7 million subscribers.

This channel takes a big title, such as computer science, space science, or literature, and makes a series of short videos about it, and thus it has gained great popularity in that anyone who wants to learn any subject searches in it first.

Do this too and over time you will gain a reputation for being a reliable and good source of information, and thus you will get thousands of views and new followers and make a lot of profits.

Fourth strategy: Introducing something new and not expecting

You may think that the fourth strategy for creating YouTube videos is a bit stupid, as you are expected to present something new that will benefit the audience.

But reality says the opposite. Content on the Internet is repetitive and duplicated, and you rarely find someone providing original and useful content.

Therefore, the opportunity to become famous is available as you provide useful and original content, and in order to be one of them, you must focus strongly on your content.

Watch a large number of videos revolving around the topic you will present, and then try to present something new, whether it is information, an angle of view, simplification, or even a collection and condensation of the information in those videos.

Fifth strategy: short videos

This strategy has proven successful in the recent period, as all platforms have become ready and encouraging for short videos, whether YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, or even YouTube.
So you can focus on using this type of video on all platforms and benefit from it to build a large follower base as quickly as possible.
Even if your videos are long, you can cut them, turn them into short videos, and publish them on the aforementioned platforms.

The advantage of short videos at this time is: That you can profit from it, and to learn more about this, read our articles that deal with profit from short videos, including the article: How to profit from Facebook Reels (an exclusive comprehensive guide).

Sixth strategy: Follow a specific style in your videos

On YouTube, you need to have a sizable audience that already follows you.
This strategy for creating YouTube videos requires that you have a good audience that is already following you.
The secret to the strategy is that people like what they are familiar with and can expect, and you can use this to your advantage if you use a specific style in your videos.
Especially if your channel specializes in reviews, for example. To bring this matter closer to you, let us imagine that you are reviewing novels on your channel.

To create a specific style for your videos, you can - no matter how different the novels are - start by talking about the author of the novel, then about the language of the novel and the nature of the novel’s character, then the plot of the novel, what its purpose and lessons are, and finally the advantages and disadvantages of the novel.

This is a specific style for your videos that you can use to review a novel by the most famous writers in the world.

Seventh strategy: Honesty and objectivity

The strategy of honesty and objectivity is one of the most important strategies for creating YouTube videos if your niche is a product review.

I think you watch a lot of reviews and articles about products before you buy them - as I do and everyone I know does.

You definitely know the websites and YouTube channels whose opinions and product reviews you trust, and you can be confident that they will not mislead you.

Well, this is the seventh strategy for creating YouTube videos on our channel. Being honest and objective in your review and showing the advantages and disadvantages of real products will make followers trust you.

Therefore, your viewing numbers and followers will increase, and these followers will advise their friends to watch your videos and find out your opinions about the products before purchasing them.
Of course, honesty and objectivity does not mean that you cannot market and benefit from products, but it means that you do not mislead viewers in order to push them to buy products.

Eighth strategy: Collaborate with other celebrities and YouTubers

The eighth strategy on our list for creating YouTube videos smartly is to host and collaborate with other celebrities and YouTubers who have a lot of followers in your niche.

While you prepare a video of this type, you will gain new viewers from the followers of this celebrity who had not heard of you before.

There are many channels on YouTube now that do this in all fields, whether through videos or through podcast programs that are broadcast on YouTube.
You can do this too, and all you have to do is know how to reach these celebrities and get them to agree to appear with you.

Ninth strategy: Personal videos (make yourself the focus of your channel, not the content)

The ninth strategy I recommend for you to create YouTube videos intelligently is to make yourself the focus of your channel and content.

Everything should be related to you in some way, and you should be able to tell a story about what you are presenting or connect it to you, your life, or a situation that happened to you.

People love stories and are addicted to them, so if you want them to keep following you and watching you, try giving them your content the way they like it.

People also need “loneness,” which is why YouTube channels for couples, families, and friends are very popular.

You can see this in brands associated with people, such as Elon Musk, Gary V, Tony Robbins and others.

Tenth strategy: stories

The tenth strategy that we advise you to use in order to create YouTube videos intelligently is to use stories, which is the general strategy and one of the ways to do what we mentioned in the ninth strategy.

I don't need to talk about stories or the skill of story telling much. We live in a world built on stories and anecdotes, and from childhood until death we learn about the world through stories.
You can exploit people's love and habit of stories to create YouTube videos, by finding some narrative entry point for the topic you are telling.

Storytelling does not depend on any type, niche, or niche of content. Rather, it can be applied to almost anything, from teaching people about plumbing and carpentry to rocket science.

Although it is a big challenge and requires relatively more effort, it will pay off and you will see a significant increase in views of your videos.

By the way, if you want us to dedicate articles on the skill of storytelling, and how to use stories in marketing, tell us in the comments.

Strategy Eleven: What viewers demand

Strategy No. 11 for creating YouTube videos boils down to one simple, intuitive sentence: Deliver what viewers ask for.

Yes, ask your followers about what they want you to provide: about the topics that interest them, their questions that they want you to answer, the information that they want to verify, the topics that you covered and that they want more details about.

Follow their comments, see what they tell you, encourage them, and create a means of communication that allows them to submit ideas for episodes and content to you.

Many content makers do this, and relieve themselves of the burden of searching for content that their audience will like, and you should do this too.

In application of this strategy, tell us, dear reader, about the topics you would like us to discuss in the winners in the comments below.

The twelfth strategy: Question-answer videos

Recently, Q&A videos have become one of the most popular forms of video on the most famous YouTube channels.

There are many channels that I personally follow, whether those that provide literary, scientific, sports, political, or health content, now adopt this smart strategy to create a successful video at least monthly.

Using this type of video helps you not only in achieving views, but also in interacting with your followers and building a personal connection with them.
This link makes them very loyal to you and they are always keen to follow you, and the more these episodes are regular, the more resonance and results you will find from these videos.
The other advantage of this strategy is that it is not tiring, meaning that you will not exhaust yourself in editing the episodes, but rather you will publish them often as is.

In addition, now many platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, and Tik Tok, allow you to launch a live feature through them and also obtain cash contributions from followers, meaning that the topic can be very profitable for you.

The thirteenth strategy: competitions and challenges

Strategy No. 13 on our nearly finished list of YouTube video creation strategies is to create contest and challenge videos.

If you are an avid YouTube follower like me, you will find that almost all channels, regardless of their content, have now adopted a strategy of competitions and challenges.

The audience loves it too, so I highly advise you to think about how you can apply this strategy to your channel in a way that suits your content.

A final note, you can combine the strategy of competitions and challenges with the strategy of cooperation with celebrities and YouTubers that we talked about.

Fourteenth strategy: Copy the strategies of successful channels with similar content

“Imitate and imitate until you innovate.” As a content creator, you know very well the necessity of imitation in the beginning. You have not yet arrived at your own style and have not realized your strengths and weaknesses.

Therefore, you need to imitate the different styles of others in order to develop your own style and method over time and stop imitating competitors and let others come to imitate you.

This is the same with YouTube video creation strategies, imitate successful video strategies in your niche and content.

Continue like this until you discover the secrets of successful videos and can apply them in your videos and channel in your own style.

However, when applying this strategy, be careful not to imitate one person or channel and become a carbon copy of it. Rather, imitate several channels and people. This is how you will be able to benefit from this strategy and it will bear fruit over time.

Strategy Fifteen: Create your own strategy

The 15th and final strategy for creating YouTube videos is to trust yourself and your intuition and follow your own strategy.

Although we have presented 14 successful and proven strategies for you, you must think outside the box to achieve great and rapid success.
Therefore, we advise you to try your own ideas yourself and see whether they will succeed or fail, and even not to despair if you fail and try again, as there are no shortcuts to success and no one, no matter what, can guide you to them.


In this article, we have presented to you the 15 most important strategies for creating YouTube videos that will help you succeed on YouTube and will accelerate the pace of obtaining followers and views.

We hope that you have benefited from this article, and if you have any comments or questions, ask us in the comments and we will answer you as quickly as possible.

You can read the rest of the articles here in the making money on YouTube section on Making Money site to learn all the secrets and secrets of this field and join the category of winners.

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