How to get the important keywords for your site to improve the SEO

How to get the important keywords for your site to improve the SEO

 How to get the important keywords for your site to improve the SEO

How to get important keywords for your site


Article Contents

  1.      What are Keywords
  2.      The importance of keywords
  3.      How to use keywords correctly?
  4.      Keywords Types
  5.      How do we choose keywords?
  6.      How to extract keywords?
  7.      The role of the GuinRank tool in keyword analysis

Keywords are the most important thing in search engine optimization (SEO). You cannot develop a strategy for working on a website without choosing keywords for your site. In this article, we will introduce you to the importance of the keyword, its types, and how to search for keywords? We will also learn about the importance of gene ranking for keywords.

What are Keywords

Keywords are phrases and sentences that the user searches for in various search engines. On the basis of those words, you can create content for your website. That is, you will create content that revolves around the basic phrases that the visitor is searching for. This will depend on the strength of competition for the word and the rate of Monthly searches on it and other factors, so that you can be present on the first search engine results page.

On the Google search engine, people search for the word “vacuum cleaner”, which is considered a popular keyword. A number of links will appear in front of them that lead to websites, where there is a topic that deals with the same keyword, and the user enters one of the results that appeared in front of him. It is definitely one of the leading sites.

So the question here is, what is the thing that linked the visitor (who is likely to be a new customer) to the article that was written on that site that he entered? Surely it is the keyword that he wrote in the search box, and for which the site owner prepared a distinct article composed of From several keywords and a basic search word, in order to appear on the first pages.

Here lies the value of keywords, which link the seller (the website owner) and the buyer (the customer, the visitor). We repeat once again that keywords are the strong foundation of SEO, so be sure to choose words that target the customers you want to enter your website. Your website, where you choose keywords that targeted visitors will search on.

Keywords have several other names, and by the word “word” we do not mean that it is only one word. It may consist of two or more words. They are also called keywords, basic or semantic words, and any of them expresses the concept of keywords.

The importance of keywords

Keywords are the basis on which the article and content are built, and the content of the website is an essential and indispensable thing in the electronic marketing process. If you want to market your website or store, you are faced with choosing appropriate keywords that are related to the content and field of your website. In order to reach the target audience on Google or elsewhere.

Imagine with me that you are on a road and you want to reach your friend who is on the other side of the road, and he is also looking for you and wants to find you. The means by which you will reach your friend is a car or something similar. This is also the case in the search words section. You is a website. On the Internet, your car is your keyword, and your friend is the target audience.

If your site specializes in a specific field, let it be a site for selling products or providing services, then the audience you are targeting is also searching for you, either to buy or view the products or even know the prices, so the very important and basic thing that connects you two is the car, I mean the word. Keyword, and you can use ready-made keywords, through the best tools for searching for keywords, which we will mention shortly.

How to use keywords correctly?

Keywords have a specific way to use them in your content, as words are not used randomly. This will make Google exclude your site from the list of ranking sites at the top, and the visitor will also be alienated from the article studded with the same words in an exaggerated manner. I will now show you how to determine the placement of words. To help you reach the first page of search engines.

  •      Moderation: Always be careful to write keywords in moderation. If your article consists of 1000 words, it is inaccurate to use your keyword excessively. It is not appropriate to write it twice, for example, but use it in a reasonable proportion.
  •      Use it in specific places: There are many places where you should make sure that the word for the article is present, and these places are: (main title of the article - description of the article - introduction - main URL - alternative text for images - body of the article - subtitle).
  •      Words related to the search: When you search for something on Google, you will see keywords related to the mother word. Make sure to use those words in your articles, because they give greater strength to your article when used.

Keywords Types

Keywords are divided into several categories and types.

  • Short tail keywords

It is a group of words and phrases consisting of one or two words, which we use to obtain large visits. This type has high search rates, as the competition is very fierce between the leading sites, and it is very difficult to compete among them.

These phrases are non-specific, meaning it is not possible to know the searcher’s intention. For example, if someone searches for “winter clothes,” this is considered a non-specific search. Is he searching for models of winter clothes, or is he only learning about prices, or is he seeking to search for A certain type of clothing?

Looking for a specific type of clothing?
These keywords enable you to make profits easily, due to the large search volume and users’ interest in search engines.

  • Long tail keywords

A group of sentences consisting of 3 or more words, which is considered to have a low search rate compared to the first type, but it is one of the specific keywords that users intend to search for topics of interest to them. An example of this is the word “summer clothing prices 2022”.
Here you can find out what the intent of the searches is, which is knowing the price of a specific thing. The competition for long-tail keywords is little, so it is a good opportunity to rank high, but it is not the best option for bringing traffic from search engines, as you can use the best keywords to raise the ranking on the site. Yours, and catch the words on the first page.

  • Short term keywords

One form of keywords is short-term keywords, which are through the use of keywords based on the “trend” or popularity of the words at a certain time. Let us take an example: We assume that tomorrow is (the World Cup final match), the search engines will be filled with this word, in addition to the words Also related to it, at this time the leading websites can earn huge profits from these keywords and phrases, but once the event ends, these keywords will go to the bottom of searches.

  • Long term keywords

As for these keywords, they are continuous throughout the year, meaning that they are generally no less important, as you can target specific keywords, and you will receive visits from them at any time, for example the word: (search engine optimization) or (SEO).

How do we choose keywords?

We can choose the keywords that suit our site, by relying on several influential factors, the most important of which are:

  1.      Search volume: As there are words that have high search rates, and other words that are low, if your website is new, I advise you to use words with low or medium search volume.
  2.      Competition: Competition for keywords is one of the important factors, which is important to take into consideration. The degree of competition for a word is divided into (difficult, medium, weak).
  3.      Price per click (CPC): This is the cost of clicking on your ads, as there are keywords where the price of clicking on the ad in the article is high, while there are other words whose cost is very small, and hardly achieve a financial return.
  4.      Word type: In terms of the type of keywords, which we mentioned above.
  5.      The intent of the search for words: which is to know what to offer the visitor, and what exactly he would like to know.

How to extract keywords?

If you want to find the appropriate research keywords for your site, there is a group of tools through which you can find good and appropriate new phrases. These tools contain the best suggestions. You have more than one tool to search for keywords through similar steps.

You open the tool, and then search for keywords related to the field and specialty of your site. It will show you the most important keywords and phrases. These words are considered extremely important. You can use those keywords and build contents and articles on Internet sites based on them.

     Keyword analyzer tool from GeneRank: This tool gives you many analyses, the most important of which is knowing the search rate, the price per click, and the degree of difficulty of the word.


  •      Keyword planner from Google Keyword planner: A good tool from Google, for extracting keywords for websites and YouTube.
  •      Ahrefs: A popular tool that helps in extracting keywords, providing you with complete data for keyword phrases, in both Arabic and English.
  •      SEMrush: Not much different from the rest, if you want more phrases and keywords, SEMrush is great.
  •      Keyword tool: One of the important methods and tools for generating keywords, and there is a free plan.

The role of the GuinRank tool in keyword analysis

The GenRank tool helps you improve search engines (SEO), by writing the best content that is attractive to those engines, so that it is qualified to appear on the first page. You can also use it in writing e-marketing content. It contains two important tools for fetching and analyzing keywords.
Keyword Analyzer tool

Choose the keyword

This tool is the backbone of GuinRank, and is used for the following:

  •      Keyword analysis.
  •      Competitor analysis.
  •      Know the degree of difficulty of the word.
  •      Suggest the most important questions that visitors ask so that you can use them in the article.
  •      Knowing the monthly search rate for the word and the price per click.
  •      In addition, it fetches complete information about competitors' articles, in terms of word count, number of backlinks, images, etc.

Keyword Generator tool

Keyword Generator tool

This tool generates all the important keyword sentences and phrases associated with the word, and it is an important element in carefully suggesting Keywords, as you enter a word in the exploration box, and it will work to bring many words that can be used on your website, and you can use it in all languages ​​whether Arabic or foreign, and it also provides you with the advantage of downloading the entire word file for you to use freely.

YouTube keywords

 The matter is not much different when talking about YouTube keywords, as the YouTube search engine is the second most used search engine after Google, and you must pay attention to your keyword with which you target the video, and here Gene Rank is the best, to be at the top of YouTube search results, using the Keyword Analyzer tool to analyze the word and obtain It contains the best tags to use in describing videos, and the Content Optimizer tool to create a distinctive video description, and all of these features are available in the free version of the tool for all YouTube channel owners.

In general, keywords are considered the cornerstone that you place on your site, and they are the ones that bring you visits. You must choose your words carefully and carefully, or leave that task to an SEO specialist. If your project on the Internet is still in the beginning, be careful not to choose weak or weak search terms. Intermediate level, so that you can control a large number of words.

Finally, we advise you to use GeneRank to create articles and content for your site. It will help you a lot in analyzing your keywords and improving your site’s appearance in search engines. Try the GeneRank tool today and share your experience with us.

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